Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just wondering.

Why didn't God just create us righteous human beings?


Unknown said...

Who are "us"?

prin said...

Human beings... Us. All of us. Beginning with Adam.

Sabin said...

It's my understanding that He did. But He gave us the will to choose whether or not to continue with that righteousness.
But don't put much stock in my thoughts, I'm barely holding on.

prin said...

It's a semi-circular thought, but I like it regardless. :D

Eric said...

I think perhaps the question is whether or not this is really possible. Can you grant a being free will and then also make them so they always choose one way? That sounds like a logical paradox.

prin said...

Grant free will, but then give us a heart that sways toward good rather than horrible... No? Free will with a bias to good instead of evil?

Eric said...

But that will only work some of the time. An inclination isn't 100% effective.