Monday, September 28, 2009

And redemption is suddenly a double-edged sword...

If Jesus redeems all the sin in my life caused both by other people and by my role in the interaction with other people, does that mean the sin He will redeem in others' lives might be me?

Am I something somebody else's life has to be washed clean of?


Eric said...

I have proposed, elsewhere, in a document that does not bear my name, that one can consider Jesus' death as atoning for your sins, the harm you do to others, and his Resurrection as the breaking of the power of the sin done to you.

This is, of course, a fairly loose analogy, not to be taken too seriously.

erin said...

I've never thought of it in that light before.

prin said...

I've been told it's a very negative light and must somehow be wrong or I must be misunderstanding something. :D

Eric said...

This wouldn't happen to be advice from one of these Christians who considers sitting around feeling guilty to be a spiritual discipline, would it?

prin said...

No, the opposite. One who seems to think we should be absolved of everything and never feel guilt all while feeling guilt heavily... Or something.